Churches Together in Milton Keynes

We are a network of Christian communities in Milton Keynes and the surrounding areas. We are working together to show God’s love to the Borough and City of Milton Keynes.

Our current priority is to build a strong network of committed member congregations.

We have a particular concern with Poverty, Climate, Refugees, Racial Justice and Mental Health.

Churches Together in Milton Keynes


We are building a new organisation which will draw together Christian communities from Milton Keynes and surrounding areas to: 

  • Show God’s love to the Borough and City of Milton Keynes
  • Support each other as followers of Christ

Churches Together

At the heart of the ecumenical movement stands the keen desire of Jesus “that all may be one,” and churches around the world for over a century have answered this call through earnest and intentional efforts to overcome historic divisions and to unite in fellowship… World Council of Churches


As a Christian organisation we believe in the benefits of faith in God in Jesus Christ to individuals and to the wider community. We wish to enrich and empower people to serve God and their communities in a way that benefits all regardless of their faith or background.

We are called to further the 'Five Marks of Mission':

  • To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom
  • To teach, baptise and nurture new believers
  • To respond to human need by loving service
  • To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation
  • To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth

How will CTMK be different?

The 2021 review of the Mission Partnership challenged us to "reboot and upgrade".  Our hope is that Churches Together in Milton Keynes (CTMK) will continue and expand the ecumenical journey in our city. We aim to be:

  • Focussed on Mission
  • Broader and More Diverse
  • More Sustainable
  • Locally led.


We hope that many people will help to develop this new venture, but our initial plan is that we will:

  • Build a network of churches from across the geographical area and a broad range of different Christian traditions and ethnic backgrounds.
  • Generate a mailing list in order to enhance communication across a range of different groups to enable them to work together to more effectively serve the local community.
  • Organise events that bring churches together to improve mutual understanding, build effective working relationships and increase the impact of joint activities.


Why join MKCT?

Members of MKCT will:

  • be part of a network of congregations, supporting each other in mission to the city and Borough of Milton Keynes
  • create greater awareness of the mission activities and events organised or promoted by member churches
  • contribute to activity that will have an impact both on our churches and the wider community.

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