Churches Together in Milton Keynes

We are a network of Christian communities in Milton Keynes and the surrounding areas. We are working together to show God’s love to the Borough and City of Milton Keynes.

Our current priority is to build a strong network of committed member congregations.

We have a particular concern with Poverty, Climate, Refugees, Racial Justice and Mental Health.

Big Step Forward

We have some really exciting news to report about Churches Together in Milton Keynes.

Charity Registration Achieved!

It has been a lot quicker than we expected, but the Charity Commission has approved our application for a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) and things can now move forward.

Churches Together in Milton Keynes Trust (CTMKT) is a new charity which will exist to support ecumenical mission in Milton Keynes. This will enable us to raise funds, employ staff and ensure that good practice is followed. It’s a huge step forward - but the journey is only just beginning…

The Working Group has now met eight times and has been working hard on creating the necessary infrastructure for a new charity. This is currently including a range of draft policy documents. This is a massive task, but will save time later. They have been an amazing team and deserve a lot of thanks.

The first trustee meeting is booked for October. The trustee board of CTMKT is very small at the moment. We only have the bare minimum at the moment, so the appointment of further trustees will be one of the first tasks they need to look at…

New Leaflet Available

We have produced a new leaflet which explains what CTMK will be and how it might work. There are copies available in the office at the Church of Christ the Cornerstone.

You can download the text here.

Leaders Lunches

We will be starting a series of small get-togethers for leaders (in the broadest sense of the word) from churches and congregations across the Milton Keynes area. This will be an opportunity to meet each other and begin to talk about what Churches Together in Milton Keynes might look like, and what we might do together.

These events will be roughly an hour, and will take place in the Cornerstone Café. Some of these will be “Leaders Lunch Lates” for those who can only make an evening. We look forward to starting the conversation…

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: 18th -25th January 2023

Our next email will include more details about the exciting events being planned for the Week of Prayer next year. This is looking like being a really amazing week, but we’re not quite ready to go yet. We hope to have more information soon…

Keep the dates free!!

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