Churches Together in Milton Keynes

We are a network of Christian communities in Milton Keynes and the surrounding areas. We are working together to show God’s love to the Borough and City of Milton Keynes.

Our current priority is to build a strong network of committed member congregations.

We have a particular concern with Poverty, Climate, Refugees, Racial Justice and Mental Health.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2023

Prayer for the City

Wednesday 18th January, St Mary’s Bletchley, 7.30pm

Pastor Ferdinand Tambwe from Rehoboth PEFA Church will lead us in worship, as we pray for the new City of Milton Keynes. Join us for an evening of Pentecostal prayer and vibrant music, with speakers including Rev Helen Cameron, the Moderator of the Free Churches Group, and our local Roman Catholic bishop, Rt Revd David Oakley.

Come and Sing Evensong

Thursday19th January, St Mary and St Giles, Stony Stratford, 7.30pm

Choral Evensong is one of the great English musical traditions, with its rich biblical language and emotive music. Choirs and singers from across the Borough will gather for a brief rehearsal at 6.00pm. Rev Lisa Kerry, the Baptist Regional Minister will be speaking at this open and enjoyable event. The Moderator of the URC East Midlands Synod, Revd Geoffrey Clarke will be leading the intercessions. Check the web site for more details if you want to take part.

We Sing!

Friday 20th January, St Edward the Confessor, Shenley Church End, 7.30pm

The Catholic community in Milton Keynes is rich in diversity with members from every corner of the World. This will be an evening of words and music reflecting the multicultural nature of our parishioners. With refreshments celebrating the breadth and depth of this amazing community, it promises to be both a wonderful and reflective experience.

Mission Fair

Saturday 21st January, Servant King, Furzton, 10.00am to 4.00pm

There are an amazing number of charities and mission agencies based in Milton Keynes. They make a huge difference to our communities - and to the wider world. This is an opportunity to meet some of these change makers and find out how we can support them in their crucial work. There will be stalls, talks, activities and cake.

The afternoon will finish with a Cost of Living Summit at 3:00pm which will include speakers from key agencies.

A Child of our Time

Sunday 22nd January, Christ the Cornerstone, 7.30pm

Michael Tippet wrote and composed this moving oratorio during the dark days of the Second World War. It reflects on the experience of oppressed people across the World, with a longing for peace and reconciliation. At the turning point of our week, this concert performance will root our search for justice in the depths of the human soul. Tickets are available from Cornerstone.

Climate Unity

Monday 23rd January, The Quaker Centre, Downhead Park, 7.30pm

The Climate Crisis is the single biggest issue facing the planet in this century. The Society of Friends have a strong tradition of working for justice through creative action and will help us address the challenge. They will bring us together in a meeting of worship in the Quaker tradition, with a mixture of silence, spoken word and song.

Any Questions?

Tuesday 24th January, Christ Church Stantonbury, 7.30pm

This has been a powerful week with great music, challenging ideas and powerful speakers. Where next for ecumenical mission in Milton Keynes? This will be your chance to ask the big (or silly) questions? There may be a few answers, but this will definitely be a chance to shape the next steps… Panellists will include Rt Revd Revd Alan Wilson, the Bishop of Buckingham, and Dorel Hayes, the Principal Officer for Ecumenical Development and Relations for Churches Together in England

A Celebration of Justice

Wednesday 25th January, Christ the King, Kents Hill, 7.30pm

The week will finish with a big celebration. We thank God for the rich diversity of our communities and the challenge we are given to make this World a better place. There is so much that is broken and wrong in God’s creation, but we have a great hope in Christ - so this is the time for a big  Alleluia! Our preacher this evening will be the General Secretary of Churches Together in England, Bishop Mike Royal.

We really hope you enjoy the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.  There’s a lot on, and it will all be amazing! Why not pick one event that you know you’ll enjoy - and one that’s a bit different. 

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