This has been a powerful week with great music, challenging ideas and powerful speakers. Where next for ecumenical mission in Milton Keynes? This was a chance to ask the big questions or discuss the future...
Sharon Grenham-Thompson from Watling Valley did a wonderful job of chairing the event - keeping everyone to time and changing plans as things developed...
The panel included Doral Hayes from Churches Together in England, who had some suggestions for us to think about, including a course on "Receptive Ecumenism".
Fidèle Mutwarasibo talked about his ecumenical upbringing in Rwanda, and his experiences in Ireland. He also reflected on the changing racial diversity in Milton Keynes...
This evening was the beginning of the conversation, not the end. Chair of Trustees, Tim Norwood, rounded the evening off by saying that the next phase will be focussed on relationships and prayer: "We need to go deeper before we can make a real difference."
Week of Prayer 2023