Churches Together in Milton Keynes

We are a network of Christian communities in Milton Keynes and the surrounding areas. We are working together to show God’s love to the Borough and City of Milton Keynes.

Our current priority is to build a strong network of committed member congregations.

We have a particular concern with Poverty, Climate Justice, Refugees, Racial Justice and Mental Health.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity takes place each year from 18th to 25th January. It is an international ecumenical celebration. Each January individuals pray, and churches and ecumenical organisations celebrate the WPCU in a variety of ways.

As we celebrate 1,700 years since the Council of Nicaea, the worship service has at its heart the Nicene Creed.

We are invited to reflect on the story of Martha’s confession of faith in Jesus as narrated in John 11:17-27. Each is called to sit with Jesus’ provocative question to Martha: “Do you believe this?

More information and resources can be found here.
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