Churches Together in Milton Keynes

We are a network of Christian communities in Milton Keynes and the surrounding areas. We are working together to show God’s love to the Borough and City of Milton Keynes.

Our current priority is to build a strong network of committed member congregations.

We have a particular concern with Poverty, Climate, Refugees, Racial Justice and Mental Health.

Home ownership only for the rich?

Have you tried to buy a home? Or does it feel completely out of reach? What makes it so hard? And what needs to change?

The Centre for Progressive Change is launching a housing campaign aimed at making home ownership possible for people on lower incomes. This starts with listening: they want to hear from you about your experiences.

Could you take part? You can:

  • Complete this 5 minute survey

  • Click here to sign up for a small group discussion meeting (one hour)

Your input is vital to make this campaign happen. Many thanks!

Laura Bannister

Senior Campaign Researcher

Also do you think it might be possible to put up this poster in your local churches?

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