Imagine 100,000 Christians on the streets at Christmas singing Carols and sharing the Gospel everywhere!
A nationwide Christmas campaign called Shine Your Light, will be taking place this year over the weekend of 13th – 15th December 2024.
This UK and Ireland grassroots movement saw over 75,000 Christians from over 700 churches take their Carol services and nativity events into shopping centres, town halls, high streets and public spaces last December. This was suggested by many leaders to be one of the largest Christmas outreaches on behalf of the UK Church.
Shine Your Light is a united collaboration of many Christian Denominations, organisations, local churches, and networks; including The Salvation Army, Bible Society, Evangelical Alliance and hundreds of local congregations in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic.
Many church and national leaders endorsed the event including the Prime Minster, Downing Street and politicians. The weekend was highlighted by many media outlets including Good Morning Britain where hundreds of thousands heard that Shine Your Light was about proclaiming Christ at Christmas!
To see Christians recognised for taking the message of hope and joy to our communities from 10 Downing Street was so encouraging. We are praying that the Prime Minister and his new Government would equally get behind this campaign.
As a result of Shine Your Light last year, we heard stories of people coming to faith and churches welcoming in new people.It showed that when Christians come together for the Gospel, whole communities can be reached!
This Christmas, the vision is to mobilise over 100,000 Christians outdoors to reach 1 million people in the streets and public places with the Gospel. Last year, we heard of hundreds of flashmob style carol events, open air Christingle services and nativity events from the small to the large including some in Castles, country parks and housing estates.
This year, the vision is to see how the united Church can put CHRIST back into Christmas so that the whole nation can hear the bold proclamation of Good News and why we sing “Joy To The World!”
All our Shine Your Lights events are solely focused on enabling the true message of Christmas to be heard by those outside the Church. While it is acknowledged Church attendance increases during the Christmas season, there will be many who will not darken the door of a church.
The church has a unique opportunity this year in towns, villages and cities to bring Light and Joy to many through our boldness and unity.
Put the date of Shine Your Light in your denomination or church diary now: Friday 13th – Sunday 15th December 2024.
We encourage you to register today to join the movement of Believers responding to this Gospel Call!
If you would like to connect Shine Your Light to the programme of events you are already planning, explore some of our great resources and to register, please visit: or to speak to one of the team, please telephone: 07429 379 777
Dr Jonathan Oloyede
Convenor of the National Day of Prayer and Worship